Satisfy our customers and interested parties by offering them a diverse range of products, covering therapeutic areas, in relation with existing diseases.
Strengthen our capacity and knowledge to further develop new medicines.
Completely fulfill our contractual obligations and continuously improve the quality of our products and services.
Master and consistently ensure the performance and efficiency of our operational processes
Preserve our company’s heritage and optimize the use of our material resources.
Maintain and improve our infrastructures in accordance with the requirements of adopted standards.
- Provide safe and healthy workplaces.
- Put in place structures and tools promoting and enabling employee consultation and participation on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues
- Protect the environment and prevent pollution that may be generated by our activities, products and services.
- Optimize the consumption of non-renewable energies.
- Enhance the management of waste generated by our activity and minimize its impact on the environment.
- Mitigate and adapt to climate change through the reduction of our carbon footprint
- Prevent water pollution in the receiving environment and ensure the performance of the wastewater treatment plant.
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is the implementation by the company of practices with the aim of adhering to the principles of sustainable development (social, environmental, and economic).
CSR is based on three fundamental pillars which are:
- Economic responsibility: through the diversification of pharmaceutical products, investment in research and development, adherence to ethical and regulatory standards, all aimed at enhancing and ensuring patient healthcare
- Social responsibility: by considering diversity and equal opportunities, guaranteeing hygiene and safety for employees to protect and maintain social well-being, optimizing employee satisfaction, ensuring social trust, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity, ensuring professional development through a deductive training plan, and upholding workers’ rights while collaborating equitably.
- Environmental responsibility : by reducing the carbon footprint of the company’s activities, using resources responsibly, and raising awareness among employees about environmental issues.
The development of a company committed to a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach must be carried out equitably in these three areas to be both responsible and sustainable.